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Many people do not know that cellphones now outnumber humans. In the most remote regions of Africa, people have access to cellphones and social media despite their hardships. The above video shows the correspondence between social media and its ability to impact the lives of people even in remote regions. In the rural town of Lanet in western Kenya, Twitter is used as both a mass communication and crime fighting tool. Chief Francis Kariuki uses Twitter and an SMS platform to communicate with the entire town. By simply sending out a tweet, his followers can learn about healthcare initiatives and when healthcare workers will be visiting the town. If there is a fire in a part of town, he can notify all the residents quickly who can then move to assist in putting out the fire. A great example that was used in the video was how a poor family had lost their only diary cow one night. After hours of searching, they notified their chief about the missing cow who then sent out a tweet. Thirty minutes later, the cow was found and returned back to the owners.


Cellphones and message communication platforms has also aided farmers in Uganda. Farmers can learn about safe and more efficient farming practices to protect their main sources of income for their families. Farmers are also provided information about market prices so that they can move from subsistence farming to making a profit. Simple tips from experts such as separating sick animals and cleaning animal enclosures can directly impact the success of chicken farmers. These two examples enables us to see how social media and global technologies are able to help protect and enhance the life of local people living on this continent.



Social Media & Africa
Local Impact in Kenya
Local Impact In Uganda
Educational Impact

Khan Academy started out very modestly in 2006 with Salman Khan helping her niece via the internet using online text tools. With this simple beginning, Khan Academy has become a global force in free online education. Thousands of students all over the world watch his videos on YouTube every year. Essentially, a man in a small room in California can reach out to a global audience. Khan has used social media and video to reinvent education. He has gotten testimonials from children in Cameroon, Pakistan, Grenada and a multitude of other countries in the world describing how his videos on subjects like chemistry, economics, calculus and physics has allowed them to attain their academic goals. I myself have used Khan Academy to help me prepare for my AP Calculus AB exam earlier this month so I can attest to positive roles of Khan Academy. I was able to easily and clearly learning about advanced topics that seem to come alive in his informative videos.

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